Project report
Physical activity and obesity statistics in
Albanian children (6-15 yrs) living in Balkan region 2013-2015
Authors :
Juel Jarani (1),
Andi Spahi(1),
Florian Muca(3; 4),
Dean Qefalia(4),
Jakob Tarp(2),
Anders Groentved(2),
Agron Kasa(1),
Leornard Shaka,
1- Sports University of Tirana
2- University of Southern Denmark
3- Tirana International School
4- Assa organization
The BASIC report is divided into three presentation sections (period):
– Report presentation of the level of physical activity and obesity (the Balkans)
2 February 2016 (10 00 AM) conference hall at Sports University of Tirana
– Report on children’s participation in sport (the Balkans) April 2016
– Report on the way of nutrition and lifestyle of children (the Balkans) May 2016
The report on the level of physical activity and obesity in Albanian children (18,500
children) living in the Balkans (Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro) for the period 2013-
2015 is based on the results of the “BASIC” project applied in Sports University of Tirana (SUT)
and funded by the budget “on Scientific Research Financing” accorded by the Ministry of
Education and Sports. The project working group consists of the academic staff of the SUT,
members of non-profit associations and in collaboration with two professors from the University
of Southern Denmark. It has been an extensively cooperation with DAR of Albanian cities, the
respective municipalities in Kosovo and Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Sport of Montenegro.
This report is developed for the first time in the Region as well as in Albania, including mapping
of participation in Physical Activity, spread of Obesity and Overweight, as well as participation
in Sport regarding children in primary and secondary school (6- 15 years old). In the framework
of this project is also established a computer program (web based) where parents, teachers and
other individuals can identify the status of their children, only with the information of age of the
child and the parameters (weight, height, BMI and waist circumference). Children already
enabled the creation of the profile of their current situation with regard to the Albanian children in general.
It is created and comparative data city-village, boy-girl, between countries, geographical location,
primary-secondary, between age groups (division 0.5 years) from 6-15 years old. The innovation of
this project is the creation of references to the Albanian children overweighed and with obesity, completing
already and blank map that exists for years in comparison with other European countries
that have continuously annual reports.
In this scientific session will be the presence of two colleagues invited by University of Southern
Denmark who are co-authors on the project and engaged on statistical analysis and the creation
of the overweight and obesity Balkan database as well as the establishment of type references of
weight, height, BMI and waist circumference for Albanian children living in the Balkans (6-15 years).
Also in this session will be invited Minister of Education and Sports President and Secretary
General of the National Olympic Committee, members of federations, head of IPH, WHO
representatives in Albania as well as members of various associations in this field.
Thanking you all, project manager
Prof. Asc. Dr Juel Jarani
Vice Rector (for scientific research)
Sports University of Tirana