FACILITATION FOR ALL – Training Course Erasmus+
ASSA youth participants
Balatonszárszó, Hungary January 15-23
Today, on January 16th, ASSA youth team started the ‘Facilitation for All’ project in Hungary, in Balatonszárszó, organized under the Erasmus+ program. On the first day of the training, youth introduced themselves and got to know the other members of the group. There were also organized into work groups and completed the respective tasks for each session. Various recreational and team-building activities were organized to help us get to know each other and adapt better.
This initiative is implemented by MEOUT group and is financed by the European Union 2024-1-HU01-KA151-YOU-000195746 developed in Balatonszárszó, Hungary January 15-23.

#day1 #erasmusplusprojects # facilitationforall #meout