Many children find themselves trapped behind screens, watching a video, or playing their favorite game. As long as they are not upset, this picture pleases parents, who encourage them above all. From an early age, children create an unhealthy dependence on the screens and disconnect from the reality. This phenomenon has negative implications not only for mental health but also on the child’s physique. Being sedentary, children do not give an opportunity to their body to grow in a healthy way. How can we remove children from the screen to guide them towards playing sports?

Initially, it should be understood that this process requires time and devotion from the parents. They should be the first to be convinced of the importance of participating in sports activities to be able to orient their children as well.

Parents should start from zero in order to radically change the lifestyle of their children. Particularly food intake should be monitored. To become a motivated sportsman, a child should be nurtured healthy. Pay particular attention to homemade foods, vegetables, and fruits. Beware of how you teach children. Take time, you can not get immediate results. The child can have great resistance when coming out of the comfort zone and trying new things.

A successful way is experimenting with different disciplines. Do not settle for your children and do not force them to follow the sport you want. In order to be motivated, the child should feel free to exercise by doing whatever he or she wants.

Check your approach to the child’s mood. Do not encourage too much. What to you seems a simple encouragement for the child can give negative results. Let the child express himself by asking about his / her own feelings and experience, not about the number of “goals” he has scored. Remember that this process does not serve your ego, but your child’s health.

Collaborate with trainers, do not make “enemies”. A coach does not intend to disgrace or punish your child. Rather, the child should be taught to play any role in the team. Do not pretend to have only the main role, and do not ask for this because it damages your child more than helps him.

Be firm and open to obstacles that may arise during this process. Learn to step by step every day, and focus on your child’s mental and physical health rather than results. Keep in mind that you are educating an individual over the long term not just for a week or a month.


Mape, A. (2017). Can You Motivate A Lazy Child?I Love to Watch You Play.

Motivating Kids in Sports Without Being Pushy. (2018).