Nowadays, every activity associated with our daytime activities goes through our phone. At work, family, and school, smartphone companies help us keep contacts, communicate faster, and be more efficient with our time. But when it comes to our body, the physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle, the phone has a negative effect. Having everything in our hands at any time, we become sedentary because we do not need to move. What if there was a way that connects our phone with active and healthy life?

Many application developers have found it reasonable to put the phone in function of a healthy life for the user, creating applications that help us.

For example one of the main components of health is nutrition. The MyFitnessPal © application offers a variety of foods and describes components like fat, sugars, calories for each. Not only so, but through the information you record, the app helps you lose weight by checking the amount of food, and the calories you consume.

Besides food, physical activity has an essential role in the overall well-being of the organism. JEFIT Workout © is another application that helps users recognize and practice thousands of physical exercise routines, according to users needs and goals. In addition, this app helps you record your physical activity and measure progress on time.

For those who prefer specific activities, many developers have thought about different platforms for everybody’s needs. These platforms not only guide, but also monitor progress while the user is active. For example, people who prefer running as a mainstream activity, apps such as RunKeeper © or 5K Runner © help monitor activity. For those who prefer cycling, Strava Running © helps, while for Yoga enthusiasts a good choice would be Yoga Studio ©.

These and many other apps help you to control and maintain body weight, and also to become active in your preferred activity, just keep your mind open to change.

Note: This article is not sponsored by any of the above-mentioned apps.

Source: 10 fitness apps to encourage physical activity.